Ready to launch crypto payment experience?

0% Fees

Settlement to your account within 24/48 hours

No specific equipment

We will help you get to your destination safely
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What cryptocurrencies can I pay with?

Lyzi accepts over 70 cryptocurrencies. Here is a non-exhaustive list of accepted cryptocurrencies: - BTC (Bitcoin) - BUSD (Binance USD) - ETH (Ethereum) - ADA (Cardano) - ATOM (Cosmos) - AVA (Avalanche) - BCH (Bitcoin Cash) - BNB (Binance Coin) - CTSI (Cartesi) - DASH - DOGE (Dogecoin) - DOT (Polkadot) - EGLD (Elrond) - EOS - ETC (Ethereum Classic) - FIL (Filecoin) - FRONT (Frontier) - FTM (Fantom) - GRS (Groestlcoin) - HBAR (Hedera) - IOTX (IoTeX) - LINK (Chainlink) - LTC (Litecoin) - MANA (Decentraland) - MATIC (Polygon) - NEO - OM (MANTRA DAO)

How does payment work with Lyzi?

Customers can pay using their favorite cryptocurrencies from their CEX account or wallets through our payment gateway. The amount is instantly converted into euros and transferred to the merchant, ensuring a seamless payment experience without the risk of volatility.

How can I integrate Lyzi into my point of sale?

Lyzi offers direct integrations for small and medium-sized businesses that can sign up and configure our solution in just 5 minutes. We also provide indirect integrations for point-of-sale (POS) systems and payment terminals for larger enterprises. Contact us to learn more ->

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